SIINEOS 2.7.2 ============= * Release date: 2023-03-27 * `Standard update bundle download `_ * `Light update bundle download `_ SIINEOS ------- * Changes: - System: added support for HUB-RT100 add-on module - SMAC: fixed SIINEOS system bus connectivity issues - SMAC: improved initial load time to show login page earlier - SMAC: improved IM18-CCM60 I/O provider (temp/humi compensation, distance sensor support) - SMAC: added mechanism for setting external hardware clock - SMAC: display more decimals for mass concentrations of newly added SPS30 sensors - SMAC: allow changing names of TBEN I/O signals - SMAC: added quick edit dialog for data series set of I/O signals - SMAC: use DHCP per default for wired network interfaces - SMAC: add IM18-CCM51 I/O provider - SMAC: show corresponding backplane bus I/O providers for compatible system devices only - SMAC: allow measurement modelling of output signals and provide output value as measurement value (allows visualizing states of LEDs, relay etc.) - SMAC: improve default visualization settings of LED signals - SMAC: show toast when removing entries from table - SMAC: improve page header management and resource usage - SMAC: added import/export actions for synthetic signals - SMAC: fixed missing configuration page update after loading I/O unit settings from file - SMAC: always use builtin virtual keyboard on mobile devices and prevent native virtual keyboard from opening - FlexPlorer: add filter buttons for readable/writable signals - InCore: added HTTP authentication support to HttpRequest - InCore: added IM18-CCM60 support to IO module - InCore: added VL53L1X object - InCore: fixed Websocket reconnect issue when used in conjunction with MqttClient - InGraf: decrease minimum possible data recording interval to 1 s - InGraf: allow configuring a minimum dashboard refresh interval of 1 s * Kernel: - Updated to 5.4.238 - Integrated m41t80 RTC driver including custom fixes - Integrated and adopted VL53L1X driver - Various IM18-CCM60 specific device tree changes * Components: - Bootloader 2021.07 (not installed/updated automatically) - Docker 23.0.1 / containerd 1.6.16 - FreeTDS 1.3.17 - InCore 2.7.2 - Qt with SQLite 3.41.2 - open62541 1.3.5-8 - RAUC 1.9 - WebApp Engine 2.7.2 * Debian security updates: