SIINEOS 2.6.0 ============= * Release date: 2022-08-10 * `Standard update bundle download `_ * `Light update bundle download `_ SIINEOS ------- * Highlights: - SMAC: added *Apps* page allowing to manage builtin and installed apps - SMAC: added *I/O management* page with I/O providers and connectors for all in.hub devices and several protocols/fieldbusses such as OPC UA, Modbus and MQTT - Switched to Qt 5.15 for InCore framework and all apps, allowing to use new QML syntax features - InCore: migrated OpcUa module to open62541 1.3 - InCore: many MQTT-related improvements and bugfixes such as dynamic listeners in the MQTT broker - Updated OpenVPN to 2.5 which adds support for modern encryption/HMAC standards (e.g. ChaCha20/Poly1305) and new configuration file options * Kernel: - Updated to 5.4.209 - Added support for more imx6ull-inhub devices - Added support for ADCs on imx6ull-inhub devices - Added support for GPIO-based keyboard input devices * Components: - Bootloader 2021.07 (not installed/updated automatically) - Docker 20.10.17 / containerd 1.6.17 - FreeTDS 1.3.12 - InCore 2.6.0 - WebApp Engine 2.6.0 - Qt - open62541 1.3.3 - RAUC 1.7 * Debian security updates: - postgresql-11: - openssl: - openldap: - libxml2: - ntfs-3g: - containerd: - openssl: - gnutls28: InCore ------ * Foundation: - Configuration: added ``toDataMap()`` method - ConfigurationObject: added ``toDataMap()`` method - DataObject: emit ``dataChanged()`` signal before updating the ``timestamp`` property - DataObject: set ``dirty`` flag before emitting the ``dataChanged()`` signal - DockerContainer: added ``arguments`` property - DockerContainer: added ``pull()`` method and ``PullFailed`` error - JsonRpcServer: added ``name`` property to allow listening on a UNIX domain socket instead of a TCP port - Measurement: added ``actualSiPrefixFactor`` property - Measurement: added ``fullUnitString`` property - MobileNetworkInterface: don't restart ModemManager service when disabled via the ``disabled`` property - NetworkInterface: added ``bytesRx`` and ``bytesTx`` properties - Object: properly serialize JS values stored in properties of type ``Variant`` - Object: improved updating the ``parent`` property - System: added ``deviceSubtype`` property - TcpServer: added ``listenError()`` signal - TcpServer: improved shutdown and setup/listen sequence on property changes such as ``listening`` and ``port`` - Timer: properly emit the ``runningChanged()`` signal if ``repeat`` is set to ``false`` - WiredNetworkInterface: added ``subnetPrefixLength`` property - WiredNetworkInterface: hide config item for ``vlan`` property per default * CloudOfThings: - CloudOfThingsTransport: improved (re-)connect logic, massively reducing initial connect time * Database: - DatabaseMeasurementWriter: renamed from MeasurementDatabase - DatabaseMeasurementWriter: added ``store()`` method - DatabaseMeasurementWriter: added ``database`` property * IO: - AnalogInput: added support for IMX6ULL devices - LED: added ``brightness`` property - SensirionSPS30: added ``timestamp`` property * Modbus: - ModbusSlave: added ``client`` property * Mqtt: - MqttAbstractSubscription: improve ``autoSubscribe`` logic to disconnect from ``MqttClient`` signals when not subscribe - MqttBroker: made restart more resilient - MqttBroker: restart on every property change - MqttBroker: replaced protocol-specific properties with new ``listeners`` property - MqttClient: added ``publish()`` method - MqttClient: downgrade log level of message in ``publish()`` method - MqttListener: added new object to be used with ``MqttBroker`` - MqttPublication: publish again on every parent/client change - MqttSubscription: don't subscribe again if already subscribed - MqttSubscription: don't unsubscribe again if already unsubscribed - MqttSubscription: automatically resubscribe after the ``name`` property of ``MqttTopic``s have changed - MqttWildcardSubscription: reset data in ``unsubscribe()`` - MqttWildcardSubscription: reset ``subscribed`` property in ``unsubscribe()`` * OpcUa: - Migrated backend to open62541 1.3 - OpcUaClientConnection: added ``fullNodePath`` property - OpcUaClientConnection: added overload for ``connectToEndpoint()`` method allowing to specify parameters via QML - OpcUaClientNodeDiscovery: added new object for OPC UA node discovery - OpcUaServer: restart on changes of the ``enabled`` and ``port`` properties - OpcUaServer: added ``syncAllNodes()`` and ``syncNode()`` methods - OpcUaServerNode: added ``enabled`` property - OpcUaServerNode: added ``removeFromServer()`` method - OpcUaServerNode: don't fall back to ``browseName`` if ``identifier`` is not set - OpcUaServerValueNode: check session ID in read callback for open62541 1.3 compatibility * WebApp: - Update InCore components to 2.6.0 - Replaced builtin font with Roboto font - Fixed application view height on mobile browsers - Added confirmation dialog when leaving app - Build with Qt 6.2.4 and Emscripten SDK 3.1.12