SIINEOS 2.5.2 ============= * Release date: 2022-01-31 * `Standard update bundle download `_ * `Light update bundle download `_ SIINEOS ------- * Highlights: - Added technology preview of SMAC (SIINEOS Management Console), accessible via HTTP at `/smac` - Added support for custom Certificate Authorities which allows establishing encrypted connections to internal services (HTTP, MQTT, WebSockets) - Refactored backend of WirelessNetworkInterface, providing better reliability and allowing InCore apps to retrieve a list of available wireless networks * Kernel: - Updated to 5.4.175 - Enabled PWM LED support - Enabled PWM driver for i.MX-based devices * Components: - Bootloader 2021.07 (not installed/updated automatically) - Docker 20.10.12 / containerd 1.4.12 - FreeTDS 1.3.6 - InCore 2.5.2 - WebApp Engine 2.5.2 - Qt * Debian security updates: - icu: - policykit-1: InCore ------ * CLI: - Added ``jsonrpc`` module - Fixed application exit code for the ``run`` module * Foundation: - Application: added ``customCaCertificates`` property - Application: added ``processEnvironment`` property - Application: added ``standardInput`` property - Application: set process name at OS level based on ``name`` property - DataObjectView: added ``EditableCombobox`` and ``PasswordField`` enumeration values - JsonRpcClient: added ``port`` property - JsonRpcServer: fixed crash occurring under rare circumstances - MobileNetworkInterface: fix occasional modem initialization failure by scanning for modems every 10 s until a modem has been found - NetworkInterface: set ``view.orderIndex`` property for ``enabled`` and ``hardwareAddress`` items - Object: added ``serializeProperties()`` method - Object: properly serialize/deserialize variant properties when assigned enum constants - UpdateManager: require at least 200 MB available space in the download storage - WirelessNetworkInterface: refactored backend to use ``wpa_supplicant`` via D-Bus for better reliability and extended functionalities - WirelessNetworkInterface: added ``availableNetworks`` property and ``scanAvailableNetworks()`` method - WirelessNetworkInterface: don't log error in configuration check if SSID is empty * CloudOfThings: - CloudOfThingsMeasurementWriter: adopted internal API change to submit multiple buffered measurements at once - CloudOfThingsMeasurementWriter: fixed crash when submitting measurements * Database: - MeasurementBufferDatabase: fixed reading back SI prefix - MeasurementDatabase: added ``objectId`` field - MeasurementDatabase: advanced internal implementation to store multiple measurements via one function call * Modbus: - ModbusSlave: added ``RegisterTypeError`` error which is set when trying to read/write from/to ``ModbusRegister`` objects with invalid/unset type * Mqtt: - MqttMeasurementWriter: added initial implementation * WebApp: - Make ``LinearGradient`` and ``OpacityMask`` types available through the GraphicalEffects import - Load ``main.qml`` only after engine has been initialized to improve application startup error reporting - Set QML context for the ``WebAppCore`` singleton to fix translation file loading - Added login and logout icons - Build with Qt 6.2.3 and Emscripten SDK 3.1.2