SIINEOS 2.5.0 ============= * Release date: 2021-10-21 * `Standard update bundle download `_ * `Light update bundle download `_ SIINEOS ------- * Highlights: - Added Virtual Keyboard support to WebApp Engine - Added QML SortFilterProxyModel support to WebApp Engine - InCore apps can now control all LEDs device-independent and configure triggers - I2C busses of the local device/system can now be accessed by InCore apps - JSON RPC server now works with multiple services - Database updates are even easier to implement thanks to the new ``DatabaseUpdate`` object * General: - Base system updated to Debian GNU/Linux 10.11 release - Added I2C tools (i2c-tools) - Added GPIO tools (gpiod) - Use MAC address as DHCP client identifier already when booting to match the default behavior of the ``NetworkInterface`` object - Fixed automatic start of apps when installing local app bundle via ``install-apps-bundle`` - The realtime scheduling policy is no longer set for InCore apps to improve the performance of the interrupt-based ``EdgeDetector`` object * Kernel: - Updated to 5.4.155 - Added SDMA firmware for i.MX6-based devices - Added IMX2_WDT driver for i.MX-based devices - Enabled extcon USB GPIO support for i.MX-based devices - Refactored LED trigger support (added mtd+activitiy+netdev, removed oneshot) - Improved device tree naming scheme to support more in.hub devices - Added driver for the MCP2221 USB-to-UART/I2C serial converter * Components: - Bootloader 2021.07 (not installed/updated automatically) - Docker 20.10.9 / containerd 1.4.11 - FreeTDS 1.3.3 - InCore 2.5.0 - WebApp Engine 2.5.0 - Qt * Debian security updates: - ntfs-3g: - openssl: InCore ------ * Foundation: - Application: added ``trapErrors`` property - DataObjectWriter: added return value to the ``submit()`` method - Gather, List, Repeater: improved support for objects of types defined in QML - JsonRpcClient, JsonRpcService: added ``serviceName`` property - JsonRpcServer: added ``services`` property to support multiple services and replace the ``service`` property - Measurement: added missing internal update of SI prefix name and factor - Polling: added ``timestamp`` property - System: added ``DeviceType.IM6`` enumeration value - Timer: added ``msecsElapsed`` property * CloudOfThings: - CloudOfThingsMeasurementWriter: refactoring to use MeasurementBufferDatabase and a more lightweight API * Database: - Database: added ``ready`` property - DatabaseQuery: defer execution until the ``ready`` property of the attached database table is ``true`` - DatabaseQuery, DatabaseSqlQuery: reset ``error`` before executing query - DatabaseQuery, DatabaseSqlQuery: added return value to the ``execute()`` method - DatabaseSqlQuery: update the ``lastInsertedId`` property for ``INSERT`` queries only - DatabaseTable: added ``ready`` property - DatabaseUpdate: added new object for simple SQL-less database updates - LocalDatabase: fixed handling of the ``name`` property - MeasurementDatabase, MeasurementBufferDatabase: added new object for (temporarily) storing measurement objects in a database * IO: - AlphasenseOpcN3, SensirionHDLC, SensirionSPS30: handle dynamic changes of the ``portName`` property at runtime - AlphasenseOpcN3, SensirionHDLC: don't send requests if the ``portName`` property is empty - EdgeDetector: added ``running`` property - EdgeDetector: optimized cases where either rising or falling edges need to be detected only - LED: added ``systemName`` property - LED: added support for configuring triggers via the new ``trigger`` property, the ``networkInterfaceName`` property and the ``Trigger`` enumeration - SensirionHDLC: refactoring to handle different types of Sensirion sensors generically - SensirionSFM3300: added new object for the Sensirion SFM3300 mass flow meter - SerialPortBus: added check for non-empty port name before opening serial port - SerialPortBusNode: assign a valid instance to ``serialPort`` per default so basic parameters such as ``portName`` need to be set only - SerialPortBusNode: added ``portName`` alias property allowing to use ``Select`` easily - SystemI2cBus: added new object allowing access to any I2C bus on the local system (``/dev/i2c-N``) - udev: extend I2C access to devices 2-9 - udev: refactor GPIO and LED access to support all boards/devices in a generic manner * Modbus: - ModbusTcpClient: added ``lowDelay`` property - ModbusRtuMaster: added ``turnaroundDelay`` property * Mqtt: - MqttClient: use UTF-8 string for topic name - MqttObjectPublication: added check for empty ``topicBaseName`` property in ``publish()`` method - MqttObjectPublication: call ``publish()`` whenever the ``topicBaseName`` property changes - MqttSubscription: call ``unsubscribe()`` when being deleted - MqttWildcardSubscription: added support for depublishing retained topics * OpcUa: - OpcUaServer: added missing nodesetLoader library - OpcUaServer: updated notesetLoader library to 0.5.0 - OpcUaServer: fixed user authentication by properly forwarding ``OpcUaServerUser.password`` to the open62541 stack - OpcUaServer: added warnings for invalid authentication settings/policies (e.g. ``anonymousLoginAllowed`` not set and no ``users`` configured or ``userLoginRequiresEncryption`` set and ``security.policies`` set to ``OpcUaServerSecurity.PolicyNone`` only) * WebApp: - Build with latest Qt 6.2 and Emscripten SDK 2.0.32 - WebAppNativeCode: fixed sporadic crashes - Integrated SortFilterProxyModel plugin - Integrated QtVirtualKeyboard plugin - Improved integration of the QtGraphicalEffects plugin - Added KDE's Breeze SVG icons - Fixed bug in Qt which crashed the application when reloading SVG images on source size changes via HTTP - Fixed bug in Qt which broke dragging Flickable and ListView items by mouse - Fixed bug in Qt which broke cursor shape updates e.g. text input cursor when hovering text input fields - The ``WebAppCore`` object now inherits from the ``Application`` object to ease changing global settings such as language and country