SIINEOS 1.0.4 ============= * Release date: 2019-10-25 SIINEOS ------- * Kernel: - Updated to 4.19.80 - Add USB ACM driver * Docker: - Updated to 19.03.4 * Debian security updates: InCore ------ * Foundation: - Object: made `parent` property writable to allow easy reparenting of objects - Polling: fixed randomly initialized caching property - Repeater: added `alternativeParent` property - Repeater: make delegate instances direct children of Repeater parent - Select: added initial implementation allowing to select items from list easily - SerialPort: added `read()`, `flush()`, `peakAll()` and `close()` methods - SerialPort: added `serialNumber`, `manufacturer`, `description`, `productIdentifier` and `vendorIdentifier` properties - WiredNetworkInterface: allow multiple values for address, gateway and dns - WiredNetworkInterface: allow set (but ignored) values for static config when using DHCP * CloudOfThings: - CloudOfThingsDeviceManager: dropped `client` property - CloudOfThingsDeviceRegistrator: added workaround for server-side subscription bug * Database: - Database: added `name` property - MSSQLDatabase: add `name` property to connection string if set - MSSQLDatabase: add `tdsVersion` property and add to connection string if set * IO: - AlphasenseOpcN3: added initial implementation - FtdiI2cBus: fixed initialization - SerialPortManager: added initial implementation * Modbus: - ModbusSlave: dropped `client` property again (set Object.parent or use Repeater.alternativeParent where required) Core component versions ----------------------- * U-Boot 2019.07.4 * Linux Kernel * Qt * InCore 1.0.4 * RAUC 1.1.3 * Docker * ModemManagerQt * Solid